Local Store Front Project- Salon Envy

April 19, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

If there's one thing I think we can all agree on its how much we miss our beauty experts! I myself could really use a few appointments!! (Send help) 

Paula and Courtney are missing their clients and this message from Paula was so beautifully stated, that I don't think it needs any further explanation. 

"Tucked quietly within the confines of Eagle Square is a hair salon. Paula Blais, owner, master stylist, and certified colorist has been in the business of hair for over three decades.
Salon Envy opened it's doors in the fall of 2011 with a desire to give each guest a memorable and satisfying experience.
We are always learning, striving to be better and steadily evolving into a strong culture of creativity, positivity, and professionalism. We offer our guests a unique experience as well as membership programs which has provided us with a broad and loyal fan base.
We have been through many changes over the 8 and 1/2 years of service to our community. Change is inevitable. We can't escape it. But this unforseen pandemic is by far the kind of change that has blindsided us all.
Never have I ever thought that a day would come where I would be restricted from performing my craft. Currently, I look for other creative outlets at home to keep me from going stir crazy. But I have solace in knowing that every day that passes is another day closer to when I and my staff will be back in the salon, in a happy place where we can create beauty again.Other than spending time with my family, there's no other place I'd rather be.  The relationships I have built, the lives I have touched, and those that have touched mine, are the sole reasons I continue to be a part of this industry. I truly believe that this is what I was born to do.
Courtney and I miss you terribly! We are ready to make a fresh start as we've been busy learning new techniques and industry secrets with some very notable beauty industry leaders. We are so excited to start implementing them. And it goes without saying that we hope you are staying safe and we look forward to getting you back in the chair! 

PS. Be prepared for hugs!"
Paula S Blais

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Facebook- Salonenvyconcord 



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